Workshop: Hot Topics in Cannabis Law

Wednesday, April 21, 2021 - 1:00pm to 2:30pm

Over the last year, the pandemic has significantly impacted Canadian business and the cannabis industry is no exception.

Please join us for a discussion about how government regulators and industry are dealing with these unique challenges, as well as how the Canadian insolvency regime has had to evolve to address the corresponding influx of insolvent companies.

Chris is Co-Chair of Blakes’ Cannabis Group and his practice focuses on regulatory, commercial and financing matters under the federal Cannabis Act and the various provincial and territorial regimes. Chris regularly advises applicants, licensees, retailers, brands, service providers and members of adjacent industries on all manner of cannabis-related mandates. He was previously seconded to the legal department of one of Canada's leading licensed producers where he advised on a wide variety of issues related to the space.

Location: Zoom 

Timing: 1-2:30pm

Register Here


Please note that these events have a waitlist - if you are unable to attend, we would appreciate advance notice so that others can book the spot. 


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