The GPLLM program does not normally permit requests for deferred entry. It is anticipated that students will start the program in the academic year for which they applied. If, however, as a result of significant extenuating circumstances, you are unable to commence your studies during the academic year specified on your Offer of Admission and wish to postpone your studies, you may ask to be accommodated by having your admission deferred.
Deferrals can only be granted for a period of up to 12 months. In order to apply for an admission deferral, you must first accept your offer of admission. Once the offer of admission has been accepted, you must submit, in writing, a request for a deferral, which will be considered by the Admissions Committee. All deferral requests should be submitted to and should clearly articulate the reason(s) for the request, including supporting documentation where appropriate.
Deferrals will only be granted in limited circumstances, including unforeseen personal emergencies or obligations. Deferral requests must be submitted at the earliest possible date.