Attend a GPLLM class - Blockchain, Digital Assets, and the Law

Friday, April 23, 2021 - 4:00pm to 9:00pm

This spring, we invite you to observe a class in our Innovation, Law and Technology concentration as GPLLM students dive into the legal issues surrounding blockchain technology with one of Canada’s leading experts on the subject.

Taught by Usman Sheikh, a GPLLM faculty member and Partner and National Head of Blockchain/Smart Contracts at Gowling WLG, this intensive course explores the exciting and emerging law and regulation surrounding blockchain technology and digital assets, a technology considered by many to be one of the most revolutionary developments since the invention of the internet.


This is your opportunity to experience a GPLLM class, after which you are invited to connect with our Admissions team and learn more about our program. 

Please visit our Innovation, Law and Technology page for a full course description. 

Location: Virtual. Zoom link provided before the class.

Timing: Class is held from 4-9pm. 

Registration: Please schedule a phone chat with a member of our Admissions team to learn about whether the GPLLM program is a fit for you. A Zoom link will be emailed to you the day before class. Please check your "Junk" Inbox Folder as some emails might be directed there. 


Please note that these events have a waitlist - if you are unable to attend, we would appreciate advance notice so that others can book the spot.


**If you are experiencing IT issues, please email will be able to assist you in real-time.